“During my 2018 race for Congress, Matt provided me with top shelf advice in a number of areas. His command of policy kept me up to speed on a variety of federal issues and his skill with content creation was great. Whether it was helping me prepare for a debate, compete for an endorsement or decide scheduling decisions, I was grateful to have him in my corner.”
“Matt is one of the most seasoned and respected opposition and issues researchers in the field and because he has actually managed campaigns, he understands that oppo is not merely an academic exercise but needs to be actionable politically. I first worked with Matt on Congressman John Olver’s 1998 campaign and his work was excellent. Matt is also a very nice guy and easy to work with. I would definitely recommend him.”
“Matt played a central role in my first election for the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2004. The seat was held by a 14 year Republican incumbent. Matt delved into every aspect of the incumbent’s legislative record to prepare an effective campaign strategy. When the incumbent decided to not run for re-election, Matt provided intimate and detailed knowledge for developing issue positions I ran on, his skill at getting me dozens of earned media opportunities and his spot-on strategic guidance as a general consultant were invaluable in that campaign and for my subsequent re-election victories. Matt has an incredible grasp of rural policy and all things rural, and as I represented the most rural district in the Legislature, I turned to him many times for advice and counsel on how to better serve the needs of small towns and rural communities.”
“Matt assisted me on a variety of issues facing Wisconsin farmers and rural residents, and has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the challenges they face. Matt understands the important role of agriculture in preserving rural communities and promoting rural economic development. He is also able to make agricultural issues relevant to constituencies beyond the farming community. He delves into issues with a thoroughness that allows him to anticipate their full impact.”
“As a former reporter, Matt knows how to write and pitch a story. When the Commuter Tax Relief Coalition, a ballot question that I chaired, that sought to remove the tolls on the Massachusetts Turnpike, needed coverage, we hired Matt. From arranging interviews on television and radio to penning op-eds and letters to the editor and honchoing editorial boards, Matt is a master of earned media. He is also an incredible researcher. I’ve used MLB Research to build custom databases for my lead generation company and have been very pleased with the meticulous and comprehensive results.”
“Having worked in the trenches with Matt for more than a decade, he is without question one of our party’s top rural policy experts and strategists. Whether it was his leadership at RuralVotes, or as a charter member of the Obama Agriculture & Rural Policy Committee, or advising countless candidates on rural issues and outreach, Matt has always been there for rural America.”
“Several years ago, the state Department of Public Health had proposed some new regulations for food manufacturers who use private water supplies. These regs would have been very costly and onerous for MSFA members with their own wells. Under Matt’s leadership, we were able to prevent DPH from implementing these rules which saved many of our smaller producers thousands of dollars in compliance costs. Thanks to Matt’s years of experience in state government, his valuable connections on Beacon Hill and his skillful lobbying strategies, our members were able to dodge more government red tape.”